London – 9 September 2010

Jake MorleyNews1 Comment

One Comment on “London – 9 September 2010”

  1. Was just on my way to Boots while i waited to meet my friend at St Pancras Station and saw that a band was setting up…I have seen the station sessions going on before but never had time to stand and watch. I’m glad I stayed there instead of going to Boots. It was nice to hear such a refreshing sound that you Jake Morley and your band were playing. Nice to stop moving and just listen and watch you play with your instruments. Nice to see that you were actually ‘playing’ and having fun and the enjoyment that you were having was catching on the large crowd you had gathered around.

    Particularly with a pint sized blond kid who popped out of the crowd, just boogyin away stamping his little feet to the beat and mimicking you stamping your own foot to your own tune.

    Also nice to see the gathering a of business men in suits, trendy teenagers, families, foreign students, budding photographers, regular people stopping to enjoy and experience your music.

    I have been looking for something new to listen to that had a kind of Jack Johnson/ Newton Faulkner easy listening feel to it. And you guys seemed to encompass that with a very real London edge added to your interesting style of playing your guitar and your obvious joint love of your instruments and the music you play.

    So I know I am being a bit long-winded in my comment but I basically thought you were awesome! And I will be going to see you at another gig…let me know when the record is out.

    Many thanks for brightening up my London commute.


    PS I am sad to say I was too shy to come up and thank you in person…I will do so next time :o)

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