The Next Big Step

Jake MorleyNews5 Comments

A few weeks ago I put pen to paper on a one-album deal to release Many Fish To Fry in every record shop in the land, along with a big marketing campaign. It’s going to be released on my own label – Sandwich Emporium Records – but through Universal who are right behind us. With a little luck, and some support from you, it might even get a bit of radio play and press to go with it.

All physical copies will be special editions of the album, including a bonus DVD of a full-length concert and a track-by-track interview. The album is now off sale until its release in March, but you’ll be able to pre-order it well before then to get it on your doormat first. If you’ve already got a copy that’s cool – no pressure to get this one too!

We’ll be working closely with HMV, and they’ve been good enough to give us a headline slot at their Next Big Thing Festival in February at The Jazz Cafe in London. Tickets went on sale this morning – so get your tickets fast! Here’s the link:

We’ve booking up another big tour too. Tickets aren’t really on sale yet, but they will be soon…

I was once told a great little nugget of wisdom – “In many areas of life there’s good, there’s fast and there’s cheap, and you’re allowed to pick two”. With this album it had to be good, and we could only afford cheap, so its progress has taken a little time. But we’ve got there in the end, and we can now release it the way we always wanted to. All guns blazing!

I know some of you have had this album for a while, but if you could support it just a little bit longer while we tell everyone else that would give us such a boost. Then we can move onto recording album two safe in the knowledge that we did all we can to make this one a success.

Big love to you, and have a wonderful Christmas. Bring on 2012!

5 Comments on “The Next Big Step”

  1. Just laid in bed sick and idly came across your page out of sheer boredom (no offence!); I remembered seeing you at 2000 trees some time back and thought you were awesome – listen to you on Spotify often.

    Glad it’s all going well and best of luck!


  2. Congrats man, really pleased to see things going so well for you! I agree with Iain, you should definitely see if you can book a gig in Scotland, preferably Glasgow of course ;-)

    Good luck with the next leg of tour dates and promoting the re-release of Many Fish To Fry. I’ll be sure to pop down the shop once it’s out.

    All the best,


  3. Well done on the new record label Jake, look forward to the Many Fish To Fry re-release

  4. Hi Jake. You planning on coming back to Scotland with the tour. If you are, then give us a shout as we would love to have you back. Cheers. Iain.

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